About us

SD Solutions is a distributor of hi-rel electronic components for demanding applications (space, airspace, etc.). We focus on products of the world leading manufacturers.

Our highly qualified staff has over 10 years of experience in the field of electronic component distribution that makes us so reliable partner for foreign manufacturers as the products we offer our Russian customers.

The products we focus on are mainly used in the following applications:

• various spacecraft such as launch vehicles, satellites

• aircraft instruments, devices and systems

• radars and other radio equipment

• electronic equipment for ships

• oil and gas drilling equipment

• medical electronics

Since we are committed to supplying premium quality hi-rel products, we aim to provide all our customers with the highest level of service and technical support.

We use a flexible approach to the changing needs of our customers and suppliers.


We offer our customers:

• finding of electronic components manufacturers on the customer’s request

• development of technical solutions for customers

• foundry service

• full technical support

• value assessment

• export licensing

• technical consulting and seminars

• testing and certification of foreign electronic components in accordance with Russia`s current laws and regulations

• customs clearance

• courier deliveries throughout Russia

• after-sales service